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Cain Knightley


  • Age: 17 → 18 (6th of August)

  • School: Performing Arts School

  • Job: student and artist

  • Just a poor guy with few problems by himself, but that assumes everyone else's as his own. Empathetic, optimistic yet easily burnt out by emotional tiredness. Studying is a bit troublesome, but he plays his guitar just right and sings beautifully. Not very goot at lyrics. Also not very good at dealing with the fact that his parents are homophobic... Was going to have a sibling but his mother had an miscarriage. Forms a music duo with Rustica.


Owen Wargrave


  • Age: 18 → 19 (1st of November)

  • School: Delinquent High

  • Job: anything, really. You could find him at a McDonald's someday

  • Owen, a really independent and kind of cold person with a terrible temper and no hopes in the world nor others besides his younger brother. Takes care of the chores, cleans the house and does a bunch of other things to ensure his brother's wellbeing (includes beating people who hurt him up). Held back a year in school for some obscure reason. Musical genius, grandson of a very famous singer, Mrs. Akira. Often hangs out with Bradley and Mithra. Enjoys wearing dresses, skirts, makeup and stuffed animals.


Lawrence Wargrave


  • Age: 17 (11th of January)

  • School: ???

  • Job: being the cutest and nothing else in particular

  • Lawrence is Owen's younger brother. He likes his brother a lot but holds big grudges against him and has mixed feelings about anyone who approaches his brother. He received really bad psychological harm from their parents, Owen is currently trying to save to give him proper treatment. He admires his older brother so much he modified his whole appearance to look like him. Enjoys taking selfies, horror movies and reading. He has no musical talent and, in fact, sings horribly.

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